Hi, I’m Linda, a self-taught cat artist who appreciates felines, canines, and other creatures. As a former cat-sitter and live-in housekeeper/ chauffeur/cook/caregiver/ personal assistant to several cats, I consider myself a mid-tier cat expert. (I am not a veterinarian, but I do have real-world experience with 8 types of cat litter!)
I started painting cats (and dogs) as gifts for friends in 2011. I cat-stalked my friends’ pets on social media and painted their cats without them knowing. When they received the finished paintings, my friends were overjoyed by the unexpected portraits of their feline companions. Despite the positive responses I received, “real” jobs took priority and I only painted occasionally. Fortunately, in 2023, I found myself in a new situation and decided to get more serious about painting cats.
MY APPROACH: Like humans, every cat is unique with their own personality, quirks, and behaviors. They have different meows, sleeping positions, and glares. I strive to capture this feline spirit in each painting. I hope that my cat creations bring you joy, amusement, and fond memories.